søndag 22. august 2010

New Guns In 2010

So, i have finnaly put the pieces together, and now i know what guns that are really coming out. There has been published two guns allready : The Deploy and Longstrike. But the other guns are to be published between fall and winter 2010.

The guns are:
-Nerf N-Strike Spectre REV-5
-Nerf N-Strike Stampede ESC-18
-Nerf N-Strike Alpha Trooper CS-18
-Nerf N-Strike Barrel Break IX-2

Nerf N-Strike Spectre REV-5 (Picture By SG Nerf. I do not claim to own his/hers picture)
Nerf N-Strike Stampede ECS-18  (Picture by SG Nerf. I Do not claim to own his/hers picture)
Nerf N-Strike Alpha Trooper CS-18
Nerf N-Strike Barrrel Break IX-2 (Picture by SG Nerf. I do not claim to own his/hers pictures.)

So these guns and the Deploy and Longstrike are the Nerf 2010 guns. But  there is another gun: The nerf N-Strike Barricade REV-10. Is it comming out this year or is it a photo chop? There is a preview in the further down the page.

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